Sunday 21 March 2021


No rational being has chosen to be the way he is. This can be illustrated by considering the characteristics of different fictional intelligent species. Ythrians, winged carnivores, needing to hunt or herd, cannot avoid being territorial. Merseians have instincts that make them enjoy combat so they must discipline themselves not to see combat as an end in itself.

The Scothans who have captured Flandry are:

seeking adventure, wealth and fame;
well disciplined;
courteous to each other;
kindly toward their prisoner;
capable of sentiment;
appreciative of beauty;
easily enraged;
of limited interests;
unhygienic by Flandry's standards. 

So how would you counsel a Scothan? Would it be possible to widen their interests or to show them the values of restraint and compassion? Might some of this be simply impossible given their genetic inheritance? (In practice, it might be impossible with some human beings.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, I think it would be possible, given time, to widen and deepen the views and interests of many Scothans. Queen Gunli, after all, came from a more civilized Scothan nation conquered by the Frithians. But, that is the problem, beneficial cultural changes need time before they cam take root.

Ad astra! Sean