Tuesday 9 March 2021

No Life On Wayland

A Circus Of Hells, CHAPTER SIX.

Wayland, a moon of the gas giant, Regin, in the system of Mimir, has a thin atmosphere but a sterile surface of craters and maria. There should be no life on Wayland because:

the planet is too cold;
its air is too thin;
its environment is too metallic;
radiation is too high;
the system is too young for life to have evolved.

However, Flandry is attacked by twenty plus "bugs":
30 centimeters long;
clawed feet;
double-spiked tail;
multiply antennaed head;
armored purple body;
jaws that eat his spacesuit;
quickly immobilized by low-intensity blaster needle beams.

Flandry does not seem to get the message yet that these must be mechanisms, not organisms. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But I wonder how well I would have done if I had been attacked by "creatures" like these?

Ad astra! Sean