Sunday 28 March 2021

Exotic Locations

Dominic Flandry's exotic locations are Starkad, Merseia, Irumclaw, Talwin, Admiralty Center, Shalmu, Llynathawr, Dido, Scotha, Alfzar, Brae, Nyanza, Altai, Unan Besar, Vixen, Varrak, Vor, the Coral Palace, Diomedes, Dennitza, Chereion, Archopolis, Ramnu, the High Sierra and Imhotep whereas James Bond's are Royale-les-Eaux, Harlem, Jamaica, Saratoga, Las Vegas, Istanbul, Paris, Crab Key, Miami, Fort Knox, Italy, Nassau, Toronto, New York State, the Swiss Alps, Japan, Berlin, the Seychelles and a few that I have missed.

Many people enjoy fictional narratives set in real places but not those set in imaginary extraterrestrial locations. Why and why not? Entirely different kinds of writing skills are involved. I can neither visit New York, then write a convincing account of it, nor imagine somewhere new and write a plausible account of it so I fully appreciate works by authors able to do either or both. Poul Anderson, of course, does both, e.g., see his accounts of Amsterdam in "Star of the Sea."

I suggest that anyone who has never read any fantasy or sf samples some Poul Anderson.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In this context, I have enjoyed both kinds of stories, ones set in both real and imaginary locations. And I would have included the Crystal Moon as one of the exotic places Flandry visited. And, if a writer can do both kinds of fiction in real/imaginary places, all the better!

I thought of THE BOAT OF A MILLION YEARS as one of Anderson's works parts of which shows us well done real locations. And of course there is Anderson's historical novels.

At times I have suggested to various persons that reading THE HIGH CRUSADE and THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS would be a good introduction to Anderson's works. Both SF and F!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST would also be a good introduction to the works of Anderson. As would OPERATION CHAOS.

Ad astra! Sean