Wednesday 10 March 2021


A Circus Of Hells, CHAPTER TWELVE.

Merseian astronomers observed an old and unusual pulsar;

Merseian physicists traveled through space to observe the pulsar more closely;

returning home, they noticed the unique planetary orbits around the star, Siekh;

investigating the Siekh system, they discovered the extraordinary inhabitants of the planet, Talwin;

Ydwyr insisted that the Talwinians should be studied;

a research station on Talwin was agreed only if it could also be an advance intelligence base;

therefore, and only because of this series of accidents, there is an intelligence base on Talwin and, finally, it captures Dominic Flandry.

Scientific exploration has to co-exist with inter-imperial conflict.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I'm sure plenty of real world examples of mixed motives for carrying out scientific research can be easily found.

Ad astra! Sean said...

Sean, ppint, anyone else,

Due to things happening here, there might be a sharp decrease in blog inputs from me at least for a while but that was going to happen sometime!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Understood! I know real life can get in the way of blogging! Hope all will be well.

Ad astra! Sean