Sunday 14 March 2021

Friendly Enemies


Cnif hu Vanden, colonial, of Lafdiguan ancestry with yellow-tinted green skin, xenophysiologist, educated on Merseia although not a native Eriau speaker, is the friendliest of Ydwyr's team toward Flandry. During an expedition, they swap yarns and become close. Cnif remains on duty in the parked airbus while the others, with Flandry, watch the Domrath begin their hibernation. When Flandry returns alone to the airbus after his devastating radio conversation with Djana, Cnif, who has deplored "'...your human sex-equality nonsense...,'" (p. 312) offers Flandry a drink, accedes to his request to have one with him and, while turning around, strokes Flandry with his tail. 

Flandry knocks Cnif out with a stone, leaves him on the soil wrapped in a blanket and warmed by a portable glower, then escapes in the airbus. Flandry reflects that he would have killed Cnif if necessary although he would have hated to do it. Poul Anderson could not have written a stronger indictment of inter-imperial rivalries. The two races could achieve much together but not on the terms offered by the Roidhunate.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Indictment? Yes, conflicts, like it or not, are going to HAPPEN, between both human nations and possibly with non human races. And the fact you mentioned that while humans and Merseians could have achieved much together, but NOT on the terms desired by the Roidhunate indicates you are aware that sometimes conflicts are necessary.

I suggest to interested readers they look up my article "Was The Domination Inspired by Merseia?," in which I discussed the basis for the rivalry between the Empire and Merseia.

Ad astra! Sean