Sunday, 7 June 2020

Meeting Gods

Operation Luna, 38.

"Did the wind go from a whisper to a whistle, or was that a flute at the lips of a hunchback? Did thunder roll through these unclouded hills, or was that a drumbeat?
"I felt them approach, without knowledge of how they did. Balawahdiwa scattered sacred meal from a bowl he held onto the ground they would tread. Then it was as if the night thickened there and became the pair of them." (p. 341)

Wind becomes the sound of a flute. Thunder becomes drums. Night thickens - as it has been imagined to thicken.

Compare these blog search results for "Roots Of Paganism."

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have a vague recollection of another story of Anderson mentioning "sacred meal" being scattered to feed fowl dedicated to another pagan god. But I might be wrong.

Ad astra! Sean