Sunday, 3 May 2020

Two POVs In One Chapter II

For references, see the previous post.

CHAPTER XX stays with Joachim's pov until:

"Trevelyan and Nicki joined him..." (p. 177)

- "him" being Joachim. When, in the same paragraph, Trevelyan helps a woman who falls into the water after leaving the boat, (we think that) his action is described as seen by Joachim. The following sentence and paragraph tell us what Nicki, Ilaloa, Sean and the crew do.

Then, in the next paragraph after that:

"Trevelyan looked past the smoking surf, out to sea." (ibid.)

Of course someone else could see Trevelyan looking. Nevertheless, this sentence reads as if we are returning to Trevelyan's pov. We seem to be told what he is seeing:

"The Alorian boat was drawing up alongside the reef, where it shelved abruptly off." (pp. 177-178)

- and what he is thinking about it:

"They were here and the spacecraft were only meters away..." (p. 178)

- and, finally, there is no doubt that we are back inside Trevelyan's pov:

"He caught his emotions." (ibid.)

- where we remain until the end of the novel. Any further accounts of Joachim's actions or dialogue are delivered from Trevelyan's pov.

This pov-shifting would be easy to resolve. A double space before the paragraph beginning:

"Joachim crept up the bows..." (p. 174)

- and another before the paragraph beginning:

"Trevelyan looked past the smoking surf..." (p. 177)

- would clarify that the chapter is divided into three sections:

Trevelyan's pov, pp. 171-174;
Joachim's pov, pp. 174-177;
Trevelyan's pov, pp. 177-184.

A Roman or Arabic numeral in heavy type before each section would help.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I appreciate this zealous attention to even the smallest details!

Ad astra! Sean