Saturday 2 May 2020

The Psychotechnic History: The Second Triad

Thesis: See the synthesis here.
Antithesis: Automation and cybernation cause:

mass unemployment and alienation;

widespread resentment of psychotechnic social engineering;

the Humanist Revolution;

the outlawing of the Psychotechnic Institute.

Synthesis: Organizations like the Solar Union and the Order of Planetary Engineers continue to practice psychotechnic techniques.


as in the first triad, the thesis directly generates its antithesis;

however, the synthesis combines the continued outlawing of the Psychotechnic Institute with uninterrupted use of psychotecnic science;

psychotechnics is no longer allowed to rule society but remains its instrument;

self-change must come from within and cannot be imposed from without;

each solution creates a new problem;

but the generation and resolution of contradictions motivates change;

everything essential is carried forward and nothing is lost;

either subsequent triads will confirm these conclusions or we will wind up adjusting the facts to fit them into our preconceived conclusions.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There were times when Poul Anderson could be more skeptical. That is, he was able to speculate about how essential things COULD be lost in stories like "The High Ones," "Murphy's Hall," "The Pugilist," etc.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Yes. It is only if "nothing is lost" that Hegelian ideas are applicable.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And since I believe it is at least possible for "essential" things to be lost, then I have to disagree with Hegelianism.

Ad astra! Sean said...


So do I. The world could, unfortunately, be destroyed tomorrow.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

True, but I was thinking more of the terrible, SELF INFLICTED loss suffered by the Zolotoyans in "The High Ones."

Ad astra! Sean