Saturday 16 November 2019

Sun And Son

Rogue Sword, CHAPTER VI.

"...the Host was elevated against a dawning sky, and a murmur of awe went through the weapon-clad thousands..." (p. 99)

As well it might. The sun is the source of life and light and also a circle, like the elevated Host. Circles symbolize unity and completeness.

My personal invented mantra is "One Sun Now," meaning that the One knows itself by the light of the Sun now. A Vedic solar verse is also relevant. See here.

Although not receiving communion, I would nevertheless feel awe at sight of the elevation as described here. I think that Alan Watts said (something like): pantheists already believe that bread and wine are the Body of God.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course I know you realize this, but the awe felt by these fierce Catalan soldiers was not for the SUN as such, but for the Consecrated Host. All convinced Catholics and Orthodox believe the bread and wine used in the Mass is transubstantiated into the true Body and Blood of Christ at the consecration. I remember how Anderson had one of his characters in "A Chapter of Revelation" describing Transubstantiation as a very subtle miracle.

And I do have to disagree with pantheists. Plain, ordinary bread and wine is not in any way God or parts of God. Nor is the chair I'm sitting on or the computer I am using to write these comments. God, in His nature, is still the Infinitely Transcendent Other.

Ad astra! Sean said...

I understand what they believe but I think that, in this case, it was the elevation of the Host against the dawning sky that inspired awe.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Because of what all Catholics believe the consecrated Host to BE.

Ad astra! Sean