Tuesday 5 November 2019

Rogue Sword And The Golden Ball

This afternoon, I drove Aileen and Yossi to the Golden Ball Hotel ("Snatchems") on the River Lune (see image) so that they could sit out front bird-watching while I sat inside taking notes from Poul Anderson's Rogue Sword, AUTHOR'S NOTE, PROLOGUE and CHAPTER I, pp. 25-26, so there will be some resultant posts but not immediately because Sheila and I have to meet Nygel and Ali to watch more fireworks and hopefully also eat in town and I am breathlessly writing a single-sentence post while hearing some TV news about, of course, the current General Election and related issues so let's meet here again tomorrow some time.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was amused by the contrast of your daughter and granddaughter sitting outside bird watching while you sat inside writing notes about Poul Anderson's ROGUE SWORD! (Smiles)

And I was interested to find out the UK is again having parliamentary elections. I had not known the PM had asked the Queen to dissolve parliament and call for new elections. And of course we both know the hot issue is Brexit, of whether or not the UK should boot out the so called EU. And if I had been British I would have been all for the UK leaving the EU.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

You will not get regular election updates on this blog, though!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I understand. I can easily find out more about current UK politics by googling.

Ad astra! Sean