Thursday 14 February 2019

POV Shift

Poul Anderson, Orbit Unlimited, part one, 5, pp. 30-33.

Theron Wolfe and Jan Svoboda converse. We are told what each says so it is not clear whose is the point of view (pov). A policeman addresses them respectfully as they leave the jail so the pov is not the policeman's. Then:

"Wolfe's Jovian form preceded him into the car." (p. 31)

"...him..." refers to Svoboda so the pov is his. However, the concluding sentence reads:

"He glanced at the profile beside him, sharp against the stars. Even as he watched, it stiffened with a resolution which, nourished, could become fanaticism. Wolfe almost declared what was really in his mind, but stopped himself." (p. 33)

Svoboda glanced at and watched Wolfe's profile: Svoboda's pov. "Wolfe almost declared...": sudden shift to Wolfe's pov.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

IOW, Wolfe almost told Jan Svoboda that he had been conniving with Jan's father. It was probably wise of Wolfe not to have done so because a complicating factor would have been introduced that might have upset everything.
