Friday, 8 September 2017

No Topic Too Big

Inspired by Poul Anderson, SM Stirling and other sf writers, our combox discussions address how to:

interpret history;
organize society;
think about the gods;
understand life and the universe -

- no topic too big.

Years ago, there was a MAD sf group. Its full name, to be used only once a year, was something like the Manchester and District Science Fiction Philosophical, Literary and Artistic Debating Society and Drinking Association. I may have got some of those adjectives wrong but then I am sure that they could be added to or changed as necessary. In Lancaster, when our group had watched a TV documentary about The Prisoner TV series (see here and here), one member asked, "So are we now an sf and Prisoner group?" - to which someone else replied, "No, Prisoner and sf!" The beauty of being a self-organizing fan group is that we can discuss and be what we want.

We wander through imaginary universes and always return to our favourite authors.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And what has to be the ULTIMATE discussion and SF fan group was Astrid Larsson Loring's "Dunedain Rangers." That began simply as a discussion group focusing on the works of Tolkien. But Astrid being Astrid, she took it way beyond that level of intensity. She BELIEVED in Tolkien's Middle Earth mythos and tried to act it out as literally as possible. And convinced her friends, disciples, and followers to do the same.
