Saturday 30 September 2017

Poul Anderson's Two AI Future Histories

In Poul Anderson's Harvest Of Stars future history, the Artificial Intelligences in the Solar System find that all new phenomena conform to their Theory of Everything so they lose interest in the external universe and turn within whereas the galactic nodes in Anderson's Genesis contemplate not only " infinity of virtualities and abstract creations..." but also "...a cosmos of realities..." (Part Two, I, p. 101)

Yet again, Anderson almost systematically examines every conceivable alternative. In Harvest Of Stars, humanity declines in the Solar System although technology enables it to thrive elsewhere whereas, in Genesis, human beings, unable to cross interstellar distances at sub-light speeds, become extinct on Earth but are re-created by the Terrestrial node.

Genesis is such a compact text that it bears more rereading than other works by Anderson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have to somewhat disagree with this blog piece. The HARVEST OF STARS books shows mankind REBELLING, in different ways, from the domination, no matter how gentle of the AIs/sophotects. The last book, THE FLEET OF STARS, ends with the human race breaking free of the smothering, suffocating "protection" of the AIs to burst out into the galaxy.

And in GENESIS, we see the opposite of what happened in the HARVEST books. Before Gaia brought back the human race, we see a frustrated and despairing mankind preferring to become extinct rather than continue to live a pointless, empty existence wherein humans were not allowed to make any real decisions.
