Tuesday 26 September 2017

"How To Be Ethnic..." II

See "How To Be Ethnic..." here.

For an earlier account of life in the future in this story, see "Living In The Future" here.

When James Ching visits Betty Riefenstahl:

"A full-wall transparency framed her where she continued standing, in city glitter and shimmer, a sickle moon with a couple of pinpoint cities visible on its dark side, a few of the brightest stars." (p. 184)

In Heinlein's Future History, a common sight is the stratospheric rocket passing overhead. Here, cities are visible on the moon.

James knows Adzel and knows of both Cynthia and Ythri. Adzel and the Cynthian, Chee Lan, will work with David Falkayn who will lead the joint human-Ythrian colonization of Avalon. The future is already here. It just needs time to unfold.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

While coming across someone named "Argos" in "How To Be..." might have been too much to be plausible, that might not have been so with "Murasaki." After all, the old state of California would have many people descended from Japanese immigrants. So, coming across a possible ancestor of the later Wang Dynasty would have been nice!
