Thursday, 7 September 2017

Heads Of State And Gods

"Orlaith's parents had made a point of spending some time anywhere there was a significant clump of people, to let them see the High King and Queen in person..."
-SM Stirling, The Golden Princess (New York, 2015), CHAPTER SIX, p. 135.

If a head of state regularly travels around the country, then everyone should at least know someone who has met him or her. In a long reign, we should know or have met a lot of such people.

This is impossible for the Terran Emperor who reigns over a realm four hundred light years in diameter but might be possible for the heads of state of individual planets like Dennitza. An Ythrian planet has a High Wyvan and Avalon uniquely also has a President of the Parliament of Man.

Orlaith invokes Ogma of the Honey Tongue on p. 138 so I thought that an image of the Irish gods was appropriate.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, even the most conscientious Terran Emperor would find it impossible to meet or at least be seen by as many beings as he would wish. But we do know the Emperors would visit other planets of the Empire from time to time as this bit from Desai's mail in Chapter 9 of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN shows: "The Throne wanted immediate in-depth information on local results should His Majesty make a contemplated tour of the subjugated rebel worlds..."


S.M. Stirling said...

Machiavelli recommended that a ruler regularly show himself, especially in newly-acquired territory.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

And that is a sound custom both good and bad rulers should practice! I've read Machiavelli's THE PRINCE and THE DISCOURSES, but I've forgotten that recommendation of his.
