Friday 1 September 2017

"Every Man Who Had Ever Been Dominant On Terra"

A Stone In Heaven, see here.

Edwin Cairncross, Grand Duke of Hermes:

"...wanted to feel affirmed in his kinship to

Shi Huang Ti,
Suleiman the Magnificent,
Pyotr the Great,

every man who had ever been dominant on Terra." (II, p. 26)

(I have rearranged the names into a list for convenience.)

Why would anyone want to be "dominant" in that sense? I have always wanted to live in a society where everyone was equal before the law. On the other hand, I never had any ambition to succeed or advance in academic or professional life so, as someone completely lacking in any ambitions, I am hardly in a position to cast aspersions on a man who is ambitious in his role as a planetary ruler - except, of course, that his aspirations do include not only service but also conquest and domination. What would be a better list of four rulers to emulate?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, I don't think Charlemagne or even Peter the Great were ALL bad, but I get your point. Hmmm, you wanted a list of rulers you would personally like better. I suggest Alfred the Great of Wessex, St. Louis IX of France, Edward I of England, and the Emperor Charles V. And from America either George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, despite the fact they too waged wars and did some questionable things (e.g., recall what John Rolfe said about Washington in CONQUISTADOR).

I think you would like Alfred the Great! He inherited a kingdom on the very edge of destruction by invading Scandinavians during the Viking Wars, and with courage, determination, skill, and some luck defeated them. But King Alfred was at heart a scholar and man of peace. He devoted even more care to reorganizing and rebuilding his shattered kingdom.


Anonymous said...

Kaor, Sean!

We are fellow admirers of Alfred the Great.

Best Regards,
Nicholas D. Rosen

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Nicholas!

Indeed! And I have Penguin Books version of Asser's LIFE OF KING ALFRED, our primary source for his life. The book also collects other documents from his time by or about Alfred, such as his will and excerpts from his writings.

Regards! Sean