Friday 1 September 2017

Environmental Stewardship

By "Cosmic Environments," I meant environments elsewhere in the cosmos. However, every environment is part of the cosmos. Earth is not only irradiated by the nearest star, Sol, but also composed of elements generated by stellar fusion throughout the universe.

SM Stirling's Emberversers express a common attitude to their environment but in different ways:

marking out what is rightly the domain of the Lady Flidais;
National Parks;
rights under Forest Law;
the biodiversity of riparian wetlands and watershed maintenance;
God's command to the sons of Adam to be wise stewards;
what White Buffalo Woman says we can take...

Difference without division. Unity without uniformity.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can certainly agree with that last bit: "Difference without division. Unity without uniformity." The problem, of course, lies in how some, like fanatical Muslim jihadists, want both unity and a smothering, choking Islamic uniformity. With everything regulated according to the precepts of Sharia law.

I far prefer what we see in Anderson's works under both the Polesotechnic League and the Terran Empire, for that kind of unity/diversity without a crushing uniformity. And I like how Anderson does not dodge how fragile and precarious that kind of diversity/unity can be. That helps to make his stories feel more REAL to me.
