Tuesday 5 January 2016

Solar Union: Revolution And Counterrevolution

The Humanist Revolution succeeds;
the Humanist leader, Carnarvon, becomes Terrestrial dictator;
but Earth cannot afford to reduce technology;
Humanist measures cause famine and disruption;
their rule becomes arbitrary and brutal;
the Mars and Venus governments pressurize the Humanists;
the Humanists respond by withdrawing Earth and Luna from the Solar Union;
Mars and Venus aid the counterrevolutionary cabal;
a space fleet supports the uprising;
the cabal reclaims Earth except for fortresses held by Carnarvon;
the pro-Humanist Terrestrial space fleet threatens to bombard if the counterrevolutionaries do not surrender;
the Unionist fleet rendezvous off Luna...

...and that is all from me this evening.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Trivial comment: Dictator CARNARVON's name reminds me of Carnarvon CASTLE in the UK. Accident? Or did PA simply take a fancy to using the castle's name?


Jim Baerg said...

"but Earth cannot afford to reduce technology;
Humanist measures cause famine and disruption;"

Cf: events in Sri Lanka after the government decided to go for totally 'organic' agriculture.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

Exactly! Bungling, incompetent GOVERNMENTS and the idiotic woke greenie-weenie policies too many of them follow!

Are you reading this, "Josip"? YOU are one of those idiot bunglers!

Ad astra! Sean