Sunday 7 May 2023

Again On Delfinburg

Mirkheim, XIX.

Our last sight of Earth in Mirkheim: David and Coya are again on the mobile floating town of Delfinburg before David goes to war. Before posting about this, we check whether we have done so before and find:

Chill And Bitter


David And Coya

After Mirkheim, we see Earth in "The Star Plunderer" and then in Ensign Flandry when it has come to be called "Terra." But Ensign Flandy was where we started our current survey of Earth/Terra in Poul Anderson's Technic History so there will be one or more posts about Earth in "The Star Plunderer" and then we will consider something else.

I expect to be at a social gathering this afternoon and this evening.

Onward, Earthlings!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Onward, Earthlings?" Absolutely! I hope so much men soon gets back to the Moon and that Elon Musk founds his colony on Mars!

Ad astra! Sean