Wednesday 11 December 2019



Prologue, Y minus 9, pp. 11-18
A farewell dinner for David and Coya Falkayn in van Rijn's penthouse on the Winged Cross in Chicago Integrate before Coya's first mission as a member of the trader team.

I, pp. 31-35
An evening in Delfinburg before David and the reassembled team, no longer including Coya, who is now a mother, embark for Babur.

XI, pp. 158-168
Van Rijn, Coya and Juanita Falkayn meet David, Adzel and Chee Lan on the South Pacific island of Ronga when they have arrived back from Babur and Mirkheim.

XII, pp. 175-180
Eric Tamarin-Asmundsen meets van Rijn, David and Coya on van Rijn's yacht.

XIV, p. 204
Again on Ronga before the team departs for occupied Hermes.

XVIII, pp. 247-251
Van Rijn visits Coya after the birth of Nicholas Falkayn in van Rijn's mansion in Delfinburg.

XIX, pp. 262-263
On a balcony of van Rijn's mansion in Delfinburg before David departs to fight in the civil war, David and Coya begin to consider longer term plans. They will not remain on Earth. When he says:

"'It's a big universe.'
"The wind whistled cold. Chill also, and bitter, was spindrift cast off the booming waters." (XIX, pp. 262-263)

The wind comments on a human dialogue yet again. Appropriately, the spindrift is not only cold but bitter.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Bitter because David had apparently planned to settle down for good on Earth--and the Babur/Mirkeim crisis strongly indicated that mignt not be a good idea. And bitter as well because the Falkayns dimly sensed the approaching Time of Troubles.

Ad astra! Sean