Sunday 28 May 2023

Lost And Last

"The House of Sorrows."

This story ends when its first person narrator reads a fragment of a lost scripture. See Lamentation. History would have been different if that scripture, indeed that entire tradition, had not been lost. In fact, it would have been our history. But what has been lost in our history? I recommend The Last Testament by Sam Bourne. Someone finds a tablet inscribed in cuneiform with the last will and testament of the first patriarch. This could change everything. But I have not yet read far enough to know either what the patriarch's will is or what the outcome is going to be. I try to reserve evenings for "other," non-blog-related, reading but sometimes there is overlap. Lost scriptures can have multiple implications.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My non-blog reading includes starting to read Shakespeare's plays. But I have so many other things that occupies my time, including commenting in this blog! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean