Friday 9 December 2022

Perspectives On Time

My favourite two kinds of sf are time travel and future histories. Both involve time in different ways. History, whether real or fictional, involves the passage of time whereas time travellers perhaps gain a god-like perspective on that passage. They can know that, in an eye-blink for them, a thousand years have passed for everyone else and they can also "Bid time return..." - up to a point. They can observe their younger selves but cannot rebecome those younger selves. Poul Anderson's Manse Everard learns not to return to the Midwest of his youth before he went to war.

I want to post more about this but must first meditate which is a different perspective on time.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I wonder, tho, if Manse Everard ever had Patrol missions which took him to the Mid West of the US circa AD 1940? He would have no choice but to endure that painful sense of remembrance and loss.

Ad astra! Sean