Tuesday 27 December 2022

Future Historical Sources

Reading history is a good complement to reading a future history series. Historical sources include periodicals, newspapers, journals, memoirs, reports etc whereas a future historian has no such sources outside his own imagination although Poul Anderson successfully fakes them in his Technic History:

Francis Minamoto, Apollo University, Leyburg, Luna, 2057;
Far Adventure, the autobiography of the planetologist, Maeve Downey;
the archives on the University of Fleurville on Esperance;
Tales of the Great Frontier by A.A. Craig;
James Ching's notebooks;
Vance Hall, Commentaries on the Philosophy of Noah Arkwright;
Noah Arkwright, An Introduction to Sophontology;
stories by Judith Dalmady/Lundgren published in the Avalonian periodical, Morgana;
a historical novel about Nicholas van Rijn;
Le Matelot;
the diary of Urwain the Wide-Faring;
data units transferred from the Solar System to the care of the Hermetian Grand Ducal house by van Rijn and Falkayn;
the xenologist, Fluoch of the Mistwood Choth;
the ship's log of the Ythrian spaceship, Gaiian;
letters from Coya Conyon to David Falkayn;
the private journal of Hirharouk of the Wryfields Choth, Captain of the Gaiian;
the Memoirs of Rear Admiral John Henry Reeves, Imperial Solar Navy;
the Galactic Archaeological Society;
Pilot's Manual and Ephemeris, Cis-Betelgeusean Orionis Sectot, 53rd rd., Reel III, frame 28;
Andrei Semich, Dennitzan poet;
an unattributed quotation about Chistopher Wren.

This list shows that such sources become sparser as the Technic History proceeds.

Addendum: See the combox for some further sources.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You missed how Chapter 9 of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN mentions, summarizes, or quotes at length from Imperial administrative documents. They too should be among the sources you listed. I'll quote a bit: "Lord Advisor Petroff of the Policy Board was proposing a shakeup of organizational structure throughout the occupied zone, and needed reports and opinions from every commissioner. Lord Advisor Chardon passed on certain complaints from Sector Governor Muratori, about a seeming lack of zeal in the reconstruction of the Virgilian System, and asked for explanations. Naval Intelligence wanted various operations started which would attempt to learn how active Merseian agents were throughout the Alpha Crucis region. BuEc wanted a fresh survey made of mineral resources in the barren planets of each system in the sector, and studies of their exploitability as a method of industrial recovery. BuSc wanted increased support for research on Dido, adding that that should help win over the Aeneans." And so on for a couple more examples.

The meat of Chapter 9 was a report Commissioner Desai had especially requested from Terra, asking for whatever information was known about Aycharaych, who had claimed to be from a planet within the Empire. We are given nearly three pages directly quoted from this document, complete with references to foot notes. Altho not named, I assume the agency this document came from was the Empire's equivalent of an Interior Ministry. I argue that this direct quoting from an official document makes it another of those historical sources of the types you listed.

Lord Chardon seems to have been something of a mentor or patron of Chunderban Desai, since it was due to the former's support that the latter was appointed high commissioner of the Virgilian System.

Happy New Year! Sean