Saturday 10 December 2022

Have You Never Thought Of?

"'Have you never thought of -' Flandry groped in his Pulaoic vocabulary, but couldn't find any word for revolution."
Poul Anderson, "The Plague of Masters" IN Anderson, Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra (Riverdale, NY, March 2012), pp. 1-147 AT V, p. 38.

As far as I remember, in the absence of the text, a character in CS Lewis' "The Dark Tower," enters an alternative Earth where there is no word for God. If we lack a word, are we therefore unable to think the idea? Of course not. In that case, ideas and language would never have been created. Lacking a single word for a new idea, we express it in several words, then coin a new term. Flandry uses several words:

"'You commoners and paupers outnumber the ruling class. You have weapons, here and there. You could take over, you know.'" (ibid.)

"Commoners," "ruling class," "weapons" and "take over" add up to "revolution."

In George Orwell's 1984, the Party tries to destroy thought by limiting and controlling language but language itself would have to be destroyed in the process. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The problem being, of course, it was futile trying to overthrow Biocontrol if doing that got everybody, except a lucky few, dying in agony.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

This is the key factor in making Unan Besar so unusual. A regime as decayed as Biocontrol -would- have been overthrown, probably, if it didn't have that 'ace up its sleeve'.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I can think of many nasty, real world regimes, here and now, which would love to have such an ace up its sleeve!

Merry Christmas! Sean