Wednesday 7 December 2022

FTL Communication

"A Message in Secret," IX.

"How long had men been hunting for some faster-than-light equivalent of radio?" (p. 377)

That sentence could have been written to introduce all of James Blish's future histories.

The Seedling Stars: the FTL ultraphone.

Cities in Flight: ultraphone + instantaneous Dirac communicator.

The Quincunx of Time: ultraphone + Dirac + Dirac "beep" receiving messages from past and future. (A message transmitted in Midsummer Century is received 23,000 years earlier in Quincunx.)

A Case of Conscience: the CircumContinuum (CirCon) radio. (A Jesuit exorcises a planet fifty light-years away.)

The Star Dwellers and Mission to the Heart Stars: "Angels" (energy beings) and the Heart Stars federation communicate instantaneously.

My perennial themes are:

remember Wells;
reread Anderson;
read Blish too;
film the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There's also Duke Edwin's speculations, in A STONE IN HEAVEN, on whether it could be practical to use relays of Technic hyperdrive beacons for transmitting FTL messages.

I might have included Jerry Pournelle's Co-Dominium stories in your list. And Stirling's five volume Draka timeline.

Ad astra! Sean