Monday 13 September 2021

The Goddess Of Death

The Stars Are Also Fire, 26.

Lunarians Brandir, Kaino, Ilitu and Etana in the torchcraft Beynac explore the planetoid postulated by Edmond Beynac and discovered by Temerir. Kaino dies rescuing Ilitu.

The planetoid has:

86 % Lunar gravity, "...ample for Lunarian health and childbirth, liberating in its lightness." (p. 345);

abundant accessible minerals;

water, ammonia and organics;

proximity to other sources of such materials.

When Dagny Beynac suggests the name, "Proserpina," Etana asks:

"'The goddess of the dead - because you lost a son to her?'
"The sea noise roared and wailed." (p. 357)
Usually wind wails but sea sounds do the same job.
"Dagny sat straight as she said, 'And because every springtime Proserpina comes back to the living world.'" (p. 357)
Why is the sea heard on the Moon?
A screen shows:
Terrestrial winter;
gray sky;
crashing surf;
gray waves, bursting white;
water hissing on sand;
bleached driftwood;

Other senses are also reproduced:

salt tang;

This is how Dagny feels but she looks forward to spring.
Now regular readers know the meaning of "Proserpina" which, later, the cybercosm tries to conceal.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the sea can bring forth life as well as causing death.

Ad astra! Sean