Thursday 16 September 2021

Future Generations

The Stars Are Also Fire.

Anson Guthrie
Helen Stambaugh-Ebbeson
Dagny Ebbeson-Beynac
I list these names because they are five successive generations. Chapter 28 begins with Dagny, Eyrnen and Lars Rydberg, Dagny's first son, on the Moon.

"...a request from Dagny Beynac had on the Moon somewhat the force of a royal command." (p.366)

Societies always have leaders, whether formal or informal. They also have conflicts. This passage continues:

"Quite a few Lunarians would have refused anyway, or at least taken the opportunity to display icy, impeccably formal insolence." (ibid.)
Generations succeed each other and society changes.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And wise leaders know the wisdom of not pressing either their informal or formal powers too far, unless it was either necessary or had good reasons for doing so.

Ad astra! Sean