Saturday 11 September 2021

At The Rydberg's Place

The Stars Are Also Fire, 24.

A north wind blows (of course).
Trees toss and rustle.
Waves run.
A hawk hovers.
Clouds are sunlit or gray.
Cloud shadows scythe.
The sea is steel-like at a distance, white or green close in.
Surf roars.
Sunlight blinks on the sea.
Ketch, hydrofoil and dinghy are docked.
Lawn and flowers surround a stone house.
Boats rock.
Lines creak.
Earth is warm.
Air is chill.
Autumn approaches.

Download Guthrie visits Anson Guthrie's great-grandson, Lars Rydberg, and Lars' wife, Ulla, and we are grateful for the descriptive passage preceding their conversation.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the living Anson Guthrie had helped with his great grandson being adopted by a childless couple when the young Dagny felt unable to become a mother at age 16, but absolutely refused to have the child aborted.

And I noted that flying bird of prey, a favorite trope of Anderson, both on and off Earth. Even tho similar creatures on other planets will not be, strictly speaking, BIRDS.

Ad astra! Sean