Thursday 30 September 2021

Political Factions On The Moon

The Stars Are Also Fire, 36.

Lunarians, led by Selenarchs, resent the equalization program, special facilities, subsidies, hiring quotas and exemptions favoring Terran Moondwellers and want independence from the Federation. They are supported by some Moondwellers who also want freedom from Federation restrictions on their enterprises. Meanwhile, other Moondwellers, in the Human Defense Union, fear Selenarchic rule and propose to form a loyal militia that will, in the event of an emergency, occupy key points until Earth intervenes. A third set of Moondwellers, in the National League, want reforms within a democratic republic with Federation membership.

Download Dagny and Fireball negotiate with Selenarchs to buy out Moondwellers who would prefer to relocate to L-5, the asteroids or elsewhere, thus avoiding Lunar civil war and adding to the Fireball workforce. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And my sympathies lies with the Lunarians, esp. if an independent Moon would remove it from the choking embrace of a Federation which would become more and more the puppet of emerging AIs, sophotects, and the cybercosm.

And I like the idea of buying out Terrans and persuading them to relocate and live elsewhere in the Solar System.

Ad astra! Sean