Sunday 12 September 2021

Another Tale

"As for what became of the people of this story, and the sword, and faerie itself - which obviously no longer exists on Earth - that is another tale, which will perhaps some day be told."
-Poul Anderson, The Broken Sword (London, 2014), AFTERWORD, p. 231.
Auberon: This must be our last visit to this Earth, Shaper. Things have changed and will change more; and Gaia no longer welcomes us as once she did.
-Neil Gaiman, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" IN Gaiman, The Sandman: Dream Country (New York, 1995), pp. 62-86 AT p. 79, panel 2.
Faerie no longer exists on Earth because Gaia no longer welcomes the Fair Folk. Gaiman also explains why the Golden Age of Baghdad now exists only in dreams and stories. See Ramadan.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We get some hints about the end of Faerie in THE MERMAN'S CHILDREN, as human civilization spread ever more widely and deeply across Europe, in fact, the entire world. I remember in particular the meeting of the Mer leader with Pavl Subitj, the Kingmaker, which touched on why that was happening, the change in the mental attitude of Europeans, increasingly questioning and probing.

Ad astra! Sean