Monday 28 June 2021

The Kith Village On Harbor

Starfarers, 17.

The springy turf street smells like rosemary in the cooling air. (Three senses.) There is a lyre tree and a web-spreading arachnae. The archaic houses have lawns, flowerbeds, pastel walls and red-tiled roofs. (I think that red-tiled roofs occur more than once in Poul Anderson's works.) Most of these houses are owned by starfaring Kith who leave machines to tend their property. (Starfaring immortals do the same on Earth in Anderson's World Without Stars.) There are also a few permanent residents. Everyone currently staying in the village has gone to the Fair.

Beyond the houses are:

the white cliffs of Belderland;
red, ocher and gold native forest.
The village is on the Isle of Weyan, deeded to the Kith and retaining much wilderness.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The thought I had was that TURF streets would not be very practical for wheeled vehicles, which requires firm, even surfaced to be most efficiently used. Unless, of course, other means were used for moving people and heavy cargoes.

Ad astra! Sean said...

The turf is also described as "pebble-grained," if that makes any difference.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It still doesn't seem a plausible way of handling wheeled traffic.

Ad astra! Sean