Wednesday 16 June 2021

Ten Million Planets

In Anthropomorphism, I wrote that "...human civilizations fill several spiral arms of the galaxy..." I wrote "fill" because Jaccavrie says:

"'The last report in my files estimated ten million planets with a significant number of Commonalty members on them.'" (p. 715)

However, the narrator refers to:

"...these two or three spiral arms, a part of which our race has to date thinly occupied..." (p. 718) (My emphases.)

There are many more than ten million planets in that volume of space where the Commonalty operates so there must be many planets inhabited by non-human beings despite the impression generated by this narrative of a human-dominated interstellar realm. And any threat to human civilization could come from within known space.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And many of those ten million planets must have had only the most tenuous of connections with the Commonalty. Some of the more primitive, human or non human, probably had ships visiting them only very rarely.

Yes, a threat to the Commonalty could arise from within its own "borders," as was the case when the Ardazirho attacked the Terran Empire from within its own bounds in WE CLAIM THESE STARS.

Ad astra! Sean