Thursday 24 June 2021

A Scene On An Extra-Solar Planet

Poul Anderson, "The Horn of Time the Hunter" IN Anderson, The Horn Of Time (New York, 1968), pp. 11-26.

An empty, towered city;
unbroken glasit windows;
white, fluting seabirds;
skirling wind;
rolling surf;
a large, patrolling, tiger-striped fish;
streets filled with sand and grass;
toppled colonnades around a square;
polished stone blocks thrusting up; 
machines corroded beneath dunes;
four Kith explorers making a fire at night;
their leader radioing the orbiting Golden Flyer;
Jong Errifans alone thinking that he hears:
"...the distant blowing of a horn." (p. 11)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I have wondered if Jong Errifans did hear a horn. Anderson thought of revising and incorporating "The Horn of Time the Hunter" as part of STARFARERS, but was dissuaded from doing so because Mrs. Anderson thought it was too dark a story.

Ad astra! Sean