Thursday 24 June 2021

Marine SF And Fantasy

Godfrey-Smith discusses how octopuses might live longer. Longer lifespans might start them on the line of evolution described by Poul Anderson in "In Memoriam," which in turn raises the wider question of human and other intelligent beings in marine environments in Anderson's sf and fantasy:

seabed colonization in the Psychotechnic History and The Byworlder;
the planets Nyanza and Kraken in the Technic History;
"The Horn of Time the Hunter" in the Kith History;
Dahut in The King Of Ys;
The Merman's Children.

This generates an agenda for some future posts.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Altho not strictly a "maritime" story, except at the end, there is also "Strangers," which features a surprisingly short lived intelligent race.

Ad astra! Sean