Wednesday 18 July 2018


Poul Anderson, The Avatar, XXIX, pp. 258-259.

For how the "avatars" operate, see The Avatar III.

The avatar of Mammal, a chimpanzee, gets two pages instead of one. Here we have an organism that can more credibly remember earlier experiences.

She remembers:

her mother;
warmth and odors of flesh;
fragrance of hair;
smells of soil and growth;
sunbeams between green-gold leaves;
the Eldest leading the band to good trees and fruit and driving away the leopard;
learning to find bananas, birds' nests, insects and grubs;
lookout duty at the river;
springing, swinging and soaring;
wonder at eveything;
giving birth;
ants and vultures at a body;
becoming the first female in another band;
eating the best food and watching over children;
staring outward;
being borne by the Summoner to become One;
returning to live out her days, haunted by mostly forgotten joy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I wondered just now what it be like a human could directly experience the mind of an animal like this chimpanzee. That is, to have a kind of telepathy with such an animal. Preferably without the animal feeling affected by this human contact.
