Wednesday 4 May 2016

Divided Loyalties

Gratillonius remains loyal to the Roman Empire and now also to the city of Ys but no longer to his current Emperor. He has learned that Maximus:

"'...lives not for Rome but for power, and for power not only over bodies but souls.'" (Gallicenae, p. 111)

Maximus intends to destroy witchcraft. Gratillonius thinks that Ys has two or three years grace while Maximus secures frontiers and makes settlements. In that time, Ys might make itself indispensible and - something might happen to Maximus. But we know that other forces will destroy Ys in any case.

Would we want Ys to survive? Its King is chosen by mortal combat and his Queens are chosen for him whether or not they want it. Might Taranis and Belisama, the more human of the Gods, have prevailed upon Lir to agree to a new covenant dispensing with the more barbaric elements? It was not to be.

I will definitely be in Wales and away from a computer from Sunday 8 May until Saturday 14 May but there will no doubt be some more posts between now and Sunday.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And another thing that disillusioned Gratillonius with Maximus was how the former had murdered the deposed Emperor Gratian despite having sworn to spare his life.

And I have my doubts Taranis and Belisama, even assuming they existed, would have wanted to do away with the more barbaric elements of the Ysan "constitution."


Jim Baerg said...

"In that time, Ys might make itself indispensible and - something might happen to Maximus"

and maybe the horse will learn to sing ;)
I expect anyone reading this blog will get the reference.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

I did! IIRC, it amused a Persian king to agree to spare for one year a man's life so he could teach the king's horse how to sing. If he succeeded during that year he would be pardoned.

Ad astra! Sean