Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Poignant Chapter

The Boat Of A Million Years, VI, Encounter.

Svoboda has gone to Kiev to be betrothed to the man who will be her fourth husband. She has outlived three and must move from countryside to city to find a fourth. We begin to realize her nature. She is rescued from a street assault by Cadoc/Hanno and Rufus. Rufus has meanwhile lost his right hand in a fight. Immortals' teeth grow back but not hands. We realize that we are reading a serial or series that could have been published as such. Hanno, now Cadoc, and Rufus have become continuing characters and we cannot be shown everything that happens to them over the centuries. Cadoc and Svoboda spend time together, neither realizing that the other is immortal! - although she lets slip something that should have alerted him. We expect that they will meet again.

Chapter VII begins on a facing page and is set only twenty-two years later. Cadoc and Rufus are about to visit a courtesan who we might guess is Aliyat. Maybe the action is speeding up? 

My time is now divided between blogging and reading a book about Jiddu Krishnamurti, which might mean fewer posts for a while. Theosophists believed that the World Teacher who had spoken through Krishna and Jesus also spoke through Krishnamurti, which is relevant to some recent posts.

What people are capable of doing and believing is extraordinary.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Now I wonder, given current medical/surgical knowledge, might it have been possible to save Rufus' hand? If he had survived without losing his hand till about now!

Whatever it is that enabled "immortals" to survive/heal from serious injuries might have been enough for Rufus' hand to successfully heal.

Ad astra! Sean