Friday, 17 January 2025

Notes From Reading

During a period without Internet access, I reread some Dominic Flandry texts and took some notes but must now decipher the notes. What does "incense and candles" mean? It means that Nicholas van Rijn offers candles to a saint whereas Sumu the Fat offers incense to some gods: essentially the same practice. Polytheism and monotheism interact in different ways. Some monotheists have three divine persons, a Mother of God and thousands of angels and saints but remain monotheists.

The note, "Spica," means that I had recently posted about Spica but then read some more about it. There is quite a lot. See Spica.

Some notes have already become the bases of subsequent posts, e.g., about Catawrayannis Base and a Moslem-Buddhist synthesis.

I find ten quoted phrases about "wind." Either Poul Anderson is writing a detailed nature description or he is using the wind to comment on the action of the story or maybe both. We can study these passages but not tonight, thank you. After that, I will have exhausted posts drafted or notes taken while off line and will just have to do some more reading.

Onward, Earthlings.

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