Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Poul Anderson' The Boat Of A Million Years is one imaginative novel and I am appreciating it fully by summarizing some of its chapters carefully. We know from previous readings that the historical chapters are authentic and substantial but we are currently focusing on the future.

There are Lunar cities and inhabited satellites but most people now prefer virtual entertainment and computer-aided achievement to physical adventure so there is declining interest in terraforming Mars or Venus even though such projects have become possible.

Survivor Svoboda circumnambulates the Moon, facing physical dangers, with a few kindred spirits but feels increasingly left behind by civilizational advance.

All of this builds uo to the Survivors reassembling and doing something new that is also meaningful to them.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My sympathies are for Svoboda, not this dreary new so called "society."

Ad astra! Sean