Friday, 24 January 2025

Bema, Topheth And Betyl

The Boat Of A Million Years, XIX.

After Aliyat's comforting vision of Christ in 24, comes a terrible advent of the gods in 26 although, beyond them:

"Clouds began to part. Distantly gleamed the twin pillars and pure lake before the home of El." (p. 547)

"El" is a Biblical name.

When Christ had left Aliyat:

"Young Barikai sprang down from the bema and raised her into his arms." (p. 533)

In Aliyat's simulation, human love follows divine love! Of course, I had to google "bema." The Survivors before the gods present another two words:

"A sunbeam smote the eight who stood on the topheth near the betyl..." (p. 547)

If you read the account of the sacrifice in 26 and also the Wikipedia article on "Tophet," then you will indeed understand the significance of "topheth." 

We imagine these gods and we tame them. They can become characters in novels.

The Buddha is a teacher of gods and men.

See Virtual Gods.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

When I saw the word "Topheth" I immediately thought of the shrines in OT times where pagans and apostate Jews sacrificed infants to "gods" like Moloch.

Ad sacrifice! Sean