Wednesday 3 April 2024

Private Eye


Private Eye is a British satirical magazine. However, I do not understand the following reference in Poul Anderson's novel:

"Five thousand years ago, a bibliophile acquaintance had made him read a tattered book some hundred years old - the Private Eye school - claiming it was something unique in the annals of pornography. Langley had been rather bored by it. Now, recognizing the prototype of his action-pattern, he grinned. But any pattern would do, in this amorphous world of low-level." (p. 166)

Any ideas?

Langley has been searching for Marin in Etie Town. A human informant has located her and this dialogue ensues:

"'How about my reward?'
"'You'll get it when I see her. Control your emotions.'" (ibid.)

Then Langley remembers his "Private Eye school."

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I recently reread that part of THE LONG WAY HOME where Anderson made that allusion to the "Private Eye," but I have no recollection of coming across it elsewhere.

Ad astra! Sean