Sunday 28 April 2024

History And Biography

Young Flandry is three novels.
Captain Flandry is two collections and one novel.
Admiral Flandry is two novels although Flandry only cameos in the second because the central character has become his daughter. Thus, a potential new series.

Future history includes future biography. Flandry has a son and daughter. His Starkadian friend, Dragoika, has a son who becomes a friend of Flandry's daughter. Falkayn had a daughter, son and granddaughter. Van Rijn has a granddaughter who marries Falkayn and a son who will become the Grand Duke of Falkayn's home planet. Emperor Hans Molitor had three sons, a granddaughter and a grandson.

The spaceship on this cover of The Trouble Twisters resembles a Klingon Bird of Prey, I think. Trekkies need to read Anderson, of course. There are two levels of sf. I was in an sf shop that had no sf novels, no Wells, Anderson etc, only media-related items, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who etc. Some people say that they like sf and mean that stuff. Anderson does future histories, interstellar wars and time travel better. It ought to be easier to communicate that message.


S.M. Stirling said...

Ah, well, life's not fair - if it was, Poul would be more famous and we'd be talking about the great Time Patrol or Flandry movie of the year...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I only wish that was the case! It really burns me up that I never see any of Anderson's books at Barnes & Noble these days. It ticks me off that so many of Asimov's overrated FOUNDATION books are still so prominently displayed there.

Besides movies based on the Flandry stories I hope some movies will be made based on books of yours like THE PESHAWAR LANCERS and CONQUISTADOR.

Ad astra! Sean