Tuesday 23 April 2024

Introducing The Byworlder

Poul Anderson, The Byworlder (New York, 1971). 

Theontology (scroll down) sounds familiar but is not on google. The name combines theology or Theosophy with Scientology.

Starting to reread The Byworlder again, we find both that we have posted about it in some detail previously and also that we have forgotten most of the details. This is another implied future history since some sequence of events must link the author's time to this particular fictional future. From the opening page, we enter into yet another imagined future society with background references whose meanings will become clearer as the narrative proceeds and I am typing this over a hasty breakfast so we will have to return to this theme later. Let us try to spread some light in a darkening world.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yet another of Anderson's works that you are inspiring me to reread! Along with THE ENEMY STARS, "The Ways of Love," "The Bitter Bread," etc. And that's good, even if I'm currently reading THE LAYS OF BELERIAND.

Ad astra! Sean