Friday 19 January 2024

New Narratives

Staying with the planet Avalon, we jump directly from "The Problem of Pain," the third story in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, to "Wingless," the second story in Volume III. Between these two stories are the sixteen instalments, including three novels, about the Polesotechnic League. Although the League endures throughout a historical period, all of these instalments are set within the lifetimes of a single group of characters. Adzel ages from studenthood to retirement while David Falkayn matures from apprentice to acting CEO of van Rijn's company.

The League is explained in the first Nicholas van Rijn story, "Margin of Profit," and in the fictional introduction to Trader To The Stars. The Solar Commonwealth, which is the political arrangement during the League period, is explained by Hloch in his Earth Book introduction to "The Problem of Pain." By the time of "Wingless," the League is in terminal decline. Falkayn has led his family and others out of human space and has founded the colony on Avalon. Thus, the scene is set for new narratives about Avalon although on an entirely different basis.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Just a bit puzzled why you did not mention how Nicholas van Rijn planned to spend the final years of his life on one last, truly long journey of exploration and discovery. Even if he waited till age 85, Technic antisenescence could prolong lifespans till about 100/110, still giving Old Nick time for one last hurrah!

I can imagine van Rijn roaming for thousands of light years. And, given his vast wealth, he could easily afford to thoroughly prepare and outfit three or four ships.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

The stories set on Avalon are an illustration of the classic definition of a 'frontier'.

That is, it's a place where you find new and interesting ways to die... 8-).

Jim Baerg said...

Like the definition of 'adventure'.
Someone else having a horrible time a long distance away.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And we have to expect similar dangers and adventures when men and women finally settle on worlds other than Earth, such as Mars, if (no, when!) Elon Musk sends an expedition there.

Ad astra! Sean