Wednesday 31 January 2024

Daniel Holm's Office

The People Of The Wind, VIII.

In Daniel Holm's office:

a planetary map showing the secret camouflaged ground defence installations;

a holographic globe surrounded by lights representing recently launched space stations;

a display tank showing the battling space fleets.

Seen from his window:

shadowed Gray;

early dawn;

sheening bay;

purple sky;

stars blurred by negagrav screens changing pattern to allow air circulation;

cold, damp, restless winds;

serene countryside.

The narrator comments, or Holm reflects, that:

"The storms were beyond the sky and within the flesh." (p. 529)

Always within.

Gray is established as a real place by these frequent brief descriptions.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That annotated map would have been priceless information any intelligence agent of the Empire would risk his life to get! It would give Admiral Cajal all the data needed for crushing Avalonian defenses.

Ad astra! Sean



That's what I thought.
