Sunday 21 January 2024

Inter-Species Cooperation


We notice optimal connectivity between the Ythrian instalments of Poul Anderson's Technic History. The curved boards for lateral resistance that Tabitha Falkayn explains to Philippe Rochefort are also explained, in slightly greater detail, by the Ythrian Keshchyi to Nat Falkayn. The boat is faster, with no water drag, because these boards interact with the wind in a particular way. The atlantis weed introduced in "The Problem of Pain" is central to the plot of "Wingless" because one of Keshchyi's wings becomes tangled in it and Nat has to go under water to free him from it. "Wingless" was originally published in Boy's Life as "Wingless on Avalon" and could have been called "Rescue on Avalon" but that is the title of the companion story. In both, a young human male rescues an Ythrian and some prejudices are overcome: Ythrian prejudice in the first story; human in the second. Nat envies the Ythrians' ability to swoop around in the air but then realizes that he can do much the same in the sea which they cannot.

These two stories are thought experiments in inter-species cooperation and an antithesis to military sf which Anderson also did well.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but these two stories also gives us examples of problems/conflicts needing to be resolved or managed. Military SF simply shows us such problems very sharply, when everything else fails and only force will resolve conflicts.

Ad astra! Sean