Friday 10 February 2023

Experience In Time And Space: Everard And Trevelyan

"To Everard the scene was eerily half-familiar. He had witnessed its like in a score of different lands, in as many different centuries."
-Poul Anderson, The Shield of Time (New York, 1991), PART TWO, 209 B. C., p. 24.

"He knew this town, on a hundred different worlds."
-"The Pirate," p. 139.

A powerful echo between Anderson's Time Patrol series and his Psychotechnic History. Everard is in Bactra in 209 BC and Trevelyan is in Port Nevada in 3115 AD of a different timeline. They could not be further apart and yet they are very close.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I recall similar comments being made about cities thru out the Empire in "Outpost of Empire" and A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS.

Ad astra! Sean