Tuesday 21 February 2023

Religions In Two Future Histories

In Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History, the Cosmic religion remains in the background whereas, in Anderson's Technic History, we learn comparatively more about:

Mahayana Buddhism
Jerusalem Catholicism
Dennitzan Orthochristianity
Ivanhoan religions
Diomedean beliefs
the Ythrian Old and New Faiths
Merseian polytheism
the Wilwidh religion of "the God"
Djana's Christian-Wilwidh blend
Ikranankan demonism and polytheism
Didonian mysticism
eclectic Aenean millenarianism
probably more

The Psychotechnic History is like a draft of a future history. The Cosmic religion maybe prefigures Cosmenosis.


S.M. Stirling said...

The Technic future history is much more 'fleshed out'. Not to mentioned 'filled in'.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree! And you beat me to making similar comments.

Fallen behind again. Trying to do some catching up.

Ad astra! Sean