Saturday 11 February 2023


"The Pirate."

"Smokesmith...appeared to have no trouble maintaining detachment. But then, he did not feel humanlike emotions..."  (p. 152)

So, in this respect, he resembles a Vulcan. "The Pirate" is one of many sf stories that could be adapted as a Star Trek episode, in this case with Kirk and Spock replacing Trevelyan and Smokesmith and the United Federation of Planets. replacing the Stellar Union.

Star Trek simplifies. Vulcans are both emotionless and logical and these two adjectives are identified. Logic is simply consistency between propositions which is necessary for everyone whether emotional or not. Also, the emotion of fear is an appropriate and consistent response to perception of danger. However, having introduced Smokesmith, Anderson does not embark on a Star Trek process of oversimplification. Unfortunately, Smokesmith the Reardonite appears only as a supporting character in this single late instalment of the Psychotechnic History. The story shows that, if this future history series had been extended further, then it would have been able to transcend its beginnings as the Technic History did.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like that idea, a filmed version of "The Pirate." But I would prefer to keep it independent of the STAR TREK stuff. More likely to be done WELL if not shoe horned into STAR TREK.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I do not advocate adaptations into STAR TREK but do point out parallels.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No harm in doing that.

Ad astra! Sean