Friday, 11 November 2022

The Outbackers

"Outpost of Empire."

Freehold, like Dennitza and Daedalus, is on the Betelgeusean frontier of the Terran Empire, facing the Merseian Roidhunate. At the beginning of this story, Karlarm sees two nearby stars:

"...diamond Spica and amber Betelgeuse..." (p. 1)

When Karlsarm meets his prisoners, Uriason and Ridenour, on p. 24, this encounter is described from Karlsarm's point of view but the narrative returns to Ridenour's pov on p. 27. We have meanwhile learned that Uriason's daughter is studying on Ansa. (p. 15) We are continually reminded that we are reading a substantial future history series.

The outbackers, who destroy the city of Domkirk by turning its own missiles against it, represent an anti-urban way of life. They are very much in conflict with the Nine Cities but are in no way taking sides in the interstellar conflict between Terra and Merseia although we can readily imagine that they would be accused of doing precisely that.

These outbackers, like the Avalonians, win their struggle against the forces of the Terran Empire. The Technic History really does present multiple perspectives.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Actually, as Sandra Miesel pointed out in one of her essays, the Outbackers won the conflict because of the self restraint of the Empire. They could have been defeated if the Empire had chosen to be ruthless enough to crush the Outbackers.

Ad astra! Sean